Melissa Pilgrim
            Writer, Editor 

Published Articles 
12 Simple Tips for Entering Screenplay Contests 
By Melissa Pilgrim
Your script is done! Congratulations—but now what do you do with it? Well, if you’re a screenwriter who doesn’t happen to have an uncle who is the president of a major studio—or even knows the president—then what better way to let your work get noticed than to enter it in a world-wide screenwriting contest where it can get industry recognition? It’s what I did as an unknown writer to help land an agent and break into the business, and more and more writers are figuring out that it’s a good way for them to do it as well...
Articles from the website  
(click on the title to read each article)
The Four Agreements By Don Miguel Ruiz

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
3. Don’t Make Assumptions
4. Always Do Your Best

These are the four agreements explained in this wise little book of Toltec knowledge, and using them daily as you either care for or receive care from another can help make the whole experience better for everyone. It can also be a sort of “handbook” for both parties, for if each person involved knows (and lives) by these guidelines it can help avoid confusion, hurt feelings, or misunderstandings...   

Illusions By Richard Bach

“Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.”  

That is the underlying theme of Richard Bach’s classic, inspirational novel Illusions.   It is a mystical adventure about two barn-storming pilots named Richard and Donald who meet in an Illinois field while giving bi-plane rides to people.  Each man is doing just want he wants to do in life—fly—and the conversations they have about life, personal happiness, and how things happen in this world (meaning on earth) is constantly thought-provoking...

Better Than Chocolate: 50 Proven Ways to Feel Happier 
By Siimon Reynolds, Illustrations by Jenny Kostecki

With Easter approaching, thoughts of big, yummy, chocolate bunnies sitting in colorful, toy-filled baskets (or even pretty candy dishes in bite-size bliss) come to mind... but what if you could get something this Easter that’s even better than chocolate?  You can, if you pick up this great little book! It’s filled with quick-to-read, one page only chapters that each offer a way for you to feel happier in your life (which is great for either those who are receiving care or busy caregivers who may not have a lot of time).  And even better—it’s illustrated throughout with fun, colorful pictures that help to bring a smile to your face as you read along discovering ways to bring more cheer to yourself and others...

From Their General Health Information Section:

From Her Column, Inspirational Books, Reviews Of:
Symptoms of Dementia
By Melissa Pilgrim

Medically speaking, dementia is not a specific disease but rather a term that describes symptoms that result 
in memory loss and a decline in one’s ability to perform the basic activities of daily life...  

Articles from the website
(click on the title to read each article)
​Articles from the website
(click on the title to read each article)
From Her Column, Hometown Volunteer Heroes:
Volunteer Spotlight 1:  Lucy Magoon
Volunteer Spotlight 2:  John C. Pilgrim
Volunteer Spotlight 5:  Violet & Raymond Hopkins
I've written dozens of articles for both magazines and websites (based on my own ideas and on specific topics for clients).  

Here Are Some Examples...  
Note:  This article has been published in Script magazine,'s newsletter, and Scriptapalooza's newsletter.